17th June 2020

For Research Institutes and Universities

OGV makes research institutes and universities more impactful

Our technology sourcing service helps your research teams to convert intellectual property and breakthrough technologies to solve problems faced by global companies.

Our business consulting service provides your academics with support to set out on the spin-out and entrepreneurial journey.

Research institutes are increasingly being evaluated on the impact their work has on society and economy. We increase the potential of converting academic research into applied research towards commercialization.

We do this by enabling companies and entrepreneurs to gain access to and make use of intellectual property and breakthrough technologies offered by world-leading universities.

Impact and engagement
Industrial and entrepreneurial partners are an important source of converting ideas into businesses that impact positively on society. Engagement with industry and practitioners also helps researchers to remain in touch with prevailing problems faced by society and industry.

Entrepreneurial and large organizations
We have links with both entrepreneurial and large companies depending on which type of business partner your research institution or university would like to work with. We also recommend, based on the research and technology, who can be a more promising partner.

Due diligence
We carry out due diligence on both parties before we make introductions to ensure there is a high probability of rapport, relevance, and reward. This means you waste less time looking for the right partners.

Our Network

Our network of accomplished academics from world leading universities continuously scan, monitor and curate technologies and innovations.

OGV also has long-standing partnership with the Center for Advancing Innovation in the US. This enables us to curate and identify commercially viable intellectual property from research organizations including federal agencies and Universities such as; NASA, MIT, Yale, Stanford and Columbia, with whom CAI has a partnership, for the commercialization technologies into business ideas.

We are expanding our network with UK and European universities. If your research group would like to explore the value of your research, please get in touch: info@oxfordglobalventures.com